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I'm very busy at the moment! *bangs her head on the computer*

Saterday and Sunday we had to sell some gin,christmas cards and muffins at a local Christmas market. The profit will be used for our trip to New York (march 2009). It was a freakin cold weekend,I can tell! I almost freeze to death! (Pictures will follow later)

Tomorrow I'll have my last presentation (letters in space) before the holidays, so today I had lots of thinks going on in my head.

I'll be back tomorrow or the day after to tell you all about that!

Seeya x Melissa o

(are you guys getting ready to party this holiday?!)
at 5:54 PMComments (0)


hello my dear

i am a girl named melissa, married to a boy named jan. together we are building a house, photographing and filming weddings, dreaming of a creative life, inspiring you all with wedding ideas and learning each day to be happy.


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